Friday, April 17, 2009

Conner And His Lizard

Conner has been begging me for about a month to buy him some sort of lizard, reptile, amphibian, scaly creepy gross thing but I refused because as I told him several times I refuse to have a creature live in our house that eats other alive creatures. But as you can see I caved in when he came home one day after a hike up on the hill behind our house carrying this lizard. After he brought it home we went to Valley Wide and bought some "meal" worms, little did we know this lizard will not eat these! He then caught some lady bugs only to read on the internet these are posionous to lizards. He has spent a HUGE amount of time researching lizards. He was really starting to feel sorry for him and had decided to let him go when the lizard finally ate some ants. Happy day in our house and for the lizard! On a side note I also mistakenly told him he could keep any animal he could catch thinking there would be no way he could catch a wild animal. Imagine my surprise when he and his friend caught a rock chuck and then thought they could keep it!! Needless to say I didn't cave and let him keep it.


jEnNi said...

A rock chuck?? That would be a fun pet for you Jam, I dont know why you would say no to something like that!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! don't be such a fraidy-cat! Lizards are harmless, don't you remember the thousands caught up behind Grandma Z's house? I love those things! they are so cute! I am glad Connor finally got him to eat something so he could keep him.

Erik, Mandi, & Matix said...

OK you and Missy need to talk! Her boys currently have 3 LIZARDS! They have a big camileon and two other little brown ones. This is all she has been doing for a couple months now is dealing with lizards! Her boys spent hours till their eyes were blood shot looking on line to find out more about all their lizards! Then one day when I was there, the little brown one got OUT! It drops it's tail off when it gets scared and the dang, dirty , rotten tail is flipping around in the cage like a snake! I am still haunted by that image in my head. OH boy look what I have to look forward too. BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!